Hello readers, friends, clients. It’s been awhile. There are two reasons Hanson ImageWorks has been slow to blog. 1.) We didn’t want to preempt the splendor of an open house with pic previews 2.) Business and busy-ness have dominated. We’ve been too busy to plan an open house. Considering the present economy, that’s good but we need to follow our own advice. We all need to blog for SEO purposes no matter what’s going on internally.
So, here’s to not worrying about an open house. Here’s to a new era of blogging. We’re picking back up where we left off in our last post beginning with moving in and ending w/ a few pics of our now-not-so-new offices!

This was taken on our official move-in day. The concrete for the sidewalk was wet. We utilized ghetto ramps to avoid that whole ‘yank — buh-dump’ thing with the dolly. Worked like a charm.

A work in progress. View of one of our ever-changing, emergent walls from the conference table. The new space became our new 3d canvas.

Hanson Image Works – Ronnie Mason/web developer/designer, Boyd DuPree Designer/Art director, Jean Coake/accountant, Craig Hanson/designer/head hancho (left to right). Since this image was taken, we’ve added Greg Bailey, Project manager/Sales and Donny Daniell, Pre-Press & Print Specialist
to our roster!
You’ve now seen a glimpse of our new space. Please stop by anytime for a closer look, some hang-out time and an ice cold Coke from one of our vintage machines if you’d like. We’d love to talk about any upcoming design projects or marketing problems you might be facing. Thanks!
– Hanson ImageWorks